Sunday, July 28, 2013
Day 48
I rode with Chris today on our 67 mile ride. At the start my knee was clicking and was hurting as well but it subsided in a while. We rode at a good pace until 5 miles from our sponsored lunch when it started to rain. Bad luck I guess to start with a wet jersey and end with one too.
Lunch was sponsored by friends of Spencer and they had some amazing food for us to eat. I also took the time to teach Dan how to ride my bike as he wanted to tomorrow. He was an absolute natural at it. I was jealous at how good he was actually because he might be better than I am.
After lunch we cycled to Western Michigan State where we had our lodging in the dorms. After showering and having some free time I worked on my bike to clean it and adjust it for Dan to make sure everything would run smoothly for him. At around 5ish we headed downstairs to enjoy a dinner from the family of a rider in 2006. We enjoyed mac and cheese with cheesy potatoes and so much great food. It really brought all our spirits up high from being sick and tired.
Many of the guys went out to see a movie afterwards but I was just going to finish preparing for tomorrow as crew and being ready to get out of the dorm rooms quickly. I also spent some time cleaning up room on my phone as I've taken too many photos and was running out of space.
Day 47
Today was about 90 miles with a friendship visit in between. I have never been first before and today was the day. I really sprinted and worked hard to push myself way beyond my limits. We got to lunch first at 45 miles first but we had to stop 3 miles before it because the vans were held up by a broken train! We were able to pass all the semis trying to turn into the mess so we had to wait for the vans to get free and pass us to mark the next few turns.
Lunch was at Michigan lake and we enjoyed a lunch sponsored to us by a PM from 1992. I didn't jump in the lake but many others did, I was just anxious to get on the bike and get back to riding to make first.
After we enjoyed our relaxing rest we heading back out where I was aching but I would not be stopped. I made it to lodging first with 10 minutes to spare before the next paceline rolled in. We were staying at St Joseph School and it was very, intense in how beautiful and new it was. I was excited and took a victory shower before we headed to our dinner with the Knights of Columbus. They served us spaghetti and afterwards Collins mother sponsored ice cream for everyone.
After ice cream I headed back to lodging where I went to sleep as many of the team did because we were all pretty shot.
Day 46
We then headed back into the city where we had more time. I took a cab to the hotel my sister was staying at and my brother had gotten me a Chicago Style hotdog which was delicious. We then headed to an architectural tour of the city by boat on the Chicago river which was interesting and allowed me to see a lot of the city in a quick manner. Afterwards we walked around until they stopped at a place to get dinner and I waited until I had to go head back to go to our sponsored dinner. I said my goodbyes and I really didn't want to leave my family but I had to. I really want to go back and spend more time with both of them when I am able to. Not to mention Paula and Katie, they are my family as well.
We walked over to Genos East for pizza and the place was really cool. The whole restaurant walls were covered with peoples names and writing! We hung out with Eric who had done the first JoH ride back in 1988, the first official one that is. He had some great stories and also I learned the company he works for owns my cites' mall! The world really is small. We headed back to lodging and learned of a super early wakeup so I prepared for the following day and quickly went to sleep.
Day 45
We racked up and headed to our stage up at target. We waited around a bit and I was anxious to arrive and see my family. So after heading out we got in double paceline formation and arrived at the Victor C. Newmann center where we had lunch and hung out with some clients. I saw my family and they were so happy to see me and I couldn't stop smiling. I was made fun of for my tan lines but I was glad to see them. They had to leave to bring my sister-in-law Katie to work but I would see them in the city a few hours later. After our visit we headed into the city where we were dropped off at Millennium Park for a couple of hours. I met up with my family and we walked around and talked before I headed over to our sponsored dinner at Club Lago.
Our sponsor basically picked the most amazing Italian restaurant to eat pasta and soup. It was really good and afterwards we headed to lodging which was this amazing golf resort called the Eaglewood Resort and Spa and it was in Itasca. I decided to go to Dave and Busters and Reggie joined me to which we met Kyle, Jason, and Baeu there. We bought 10 dollar cards which gave us 180 minutes of free play! We played until closing and then I passed out as tomorrow was an early wakeup for an action packed day!
Day 44
The ride today was a quick 70 miles and was really enjoyable. The ride was quick as out legs were nice and fresh so mostly everyone averaged above 18.5 MPH and spent very little time at crew stops.
We arrived to lodging at the local YMCA which was absolutely amazing and beautiful. We set up downstairs for our lodging and showered up to which many of the guys took naps but I took time to talk to my parents, girlfriend, and my brother who I was going to be able to see tomorrow along with my sister! I was super excited to get to see them in Chicago.
After our naps we had a BBQ outside the YMCA in which we ate some delicious food and danced the night away, well except for me. There was a cool jungle gym and I was looking after a parents child Christian. We was such a sweetheart and I loved spending time watching over him!
After helping the sponsors clean up some of us went to a sponsors house where we had s'mores over a bonfire. Afterwards we went to bed and were excited for what tomorrow was going to bring to us. Obviously I was excited to see my brother and sister.
Day 43
After that we went to the Holy Trinity Church where we hung out with some of the clients and played kick ball, and raced solving puzzles. It was a really good time and some of the clients were really killer in their attitude and how enthusiastic they were.
After this visit we had a small amount of time until the next one so as a van (more so truck) we headed to CVS for some caffeine. After that we headed to an Olympic Training Facility where we played.... Wait for it! Wheelchair Hockey! There weren't enough chairs so I had to wait to play but when I did it was really fun and the few clients who came to play with us really enjoyed playing with us even though we were so bad. Matt and Jeremy kept checking me and knocking my stick out but every single time I couldn't help but to laugh.
After loading up the wheelchairs in some trailers we headed to Nicolet High School where we got to play wheelchair basketball after setting up and eating dinner. I played a couple of games but I ended up rolling around the school chasing Abigail and Kate, two twins we met who are un-diagnosed, around as they were on special bikes with Steven and Luke. It was really tough rolling around in the wheelchair and my arms were killing me.
We helped clean up and headed to lodging where I showered really quickly and prepared for our ride tomorrow which was to be around 70 miles but we felt like we've been off the bike for a year when it was only 2 days.
Day 42
Afterwards we headed to a bowling ally where we played games with clients from the Spina Bifida Association. There weren't many clients so I played with Matt, Sam, Michael, and Josh in which we were always doing strikes in a row and having a great time.
After that we headed to a Yacht Club to hang out with the Harley Davidsons family. I sat with two friends who were breaking out the jokes and we had a great time. Sadly it was raining so they couldn't take us out on the boats they had planned to do but we still had fun. After dinner we headed back to lodging all giddy for tomorrow and what we were going to get to do.
Day 41
We went at a decent pace for a while until 10 miles before lodging where we were told we had to be there by 2 PM. It was already 1:53 so I sprinted like a mad man trying to get there in a good amount of time. We arrived at like 2:20 with many stop lights so I think we did a great sprint. So well that we actually passed lodging because we were so focused on going fast.
After a quick shower we met our main sponsor and the one who set up our schedule for the next two days, Kathy. She had chocolate milk for us and food so we relaxed until we headed to the mall. At the mall we spent the day as groups of 5 with a client who was a female. Our client was amazing and she wasn't a girly girl so we went into some fun stores including Yankee candle and when we hit Forever 21 the laugher ensued. One of our guys put on there short jean shorts and a kitty tank on and walked around the store. Mind you he has the worst farmers tan ever and is a male. After spending dinner with our lovely new friend we got her an Iron man tank top and said goodbyes hoping to see her within the next few days.
Back at lodging we all hung out and relaxed after some hard days. First I ran to Walmart to get a new air mattress as mine was completely broken. I don't know how I did it but I managed to put a couple of holes in it which were the size of a pin needle. Afterwards I opened up a care package from my girlfriend and it honestly made me laugh and I loved it so much. I couldn't ask for anything more than her support because it's amazing.
Day 40
We had to really push the pace to make rack points today but it was hilly and very difficult to do so. By the time we got to lunch with traffic and hills it was unsafe and impossible to make it to lodging so we had to get racked. I road 7 more miles before getting racked with Doug and we talked about his home town and his trip so far. He had a positive spirit even though he was going to get racked.
We headed to an Indoor Sports Center for our friendship visit in which we hung out with some campers. They turned me and a couple of the guys into mummies and we played UNO with some. One of the campers knew everyone's college or universities mascot. It was crazy that he even knew that Iona was the Gaels. After enjoying our visit we showered there and got ready to head to lodging and dinner.
Our lodging was at the Union hall which we had a vote prior to the day on what we wanted to eat. Chinese was the winner and we were granted with Chinese. It was amazing and I spent time talking to Doug's parents who were interesting. His father was really into physics and his mother is a Physician.
After dinner we had a projector and speakers so we watched Borat as a team and enjoyed laughing our butts off before we went to sleep.
Day 39
Day 38
Day 37
After our lunch we cycled over to the public recreation center where we were staying the night. At the arrival I met a child name Eli who wouldn't tell me his real name. All he would say is that he was batman! So we passed by a local comicbook shop and I thought why not read some comic and see if I can get him one.
Day 36
Day 35
Day 34
Day 33
Day 32
Day 31
Day 30
Day 29
Day 28
Day 27
Day 26
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Day 25
Day 25 was our day off in Denver. We woke up early in the morning for a breakfast at KRG headquarters and we were in awe in how beautiful and awesome it was. Bruce's office had a mini Push America wall which was awesome and I spoke with their IT guys for a while. We also watched the tour de France during breakfast and man it makes me want to buy a brand new bike to ride.
Afterwards we had free time as in a whole 6 hours and I went to get some supplies and after went to watch World War Z with some of the guys. I then got new shoes before we were off to an event called pedal for pennies. This annual fundraiser was at Feril lake and participants road their bikes around the lake for laps and donations. I road with one of the rides and I took a spill by mistake. Whoops! We played some games and threw water balloons around until an awesome BBQ dinner.
After dinner we had a huge dance and you guessed it, we did our dance and everyone loved it. We then dance the night away which was really awesome. We said goodbye to Bruce and his family as this was the last time before DC we would get to see them and we headed back to lodging.
I was really beat and my room felt the same way so we got ready for tomorrow and hit the hay. Now starts a huge stretch of distance for us. 95, 85, 95, 95, and then 55 miles. I feel like I'm in the tour now.
Day 23
Today was day 23 and we woke up at 7:15 for breakfast with the campers at the Rocky Mountain Village. After we enjoyed a lovely breakfast we were split up to work with the campers. I got to go enjoy horse back riding. I helped the campers on and off the horse and walked beside the horse just in case. All the campers had developmental disabilities and they were all so interesting and full of joy to meet us.
Before lunch we got prompted to dress up like zombies as we were going to invade the camp. The camp has been hyping this us as a zombie invasion and this was the theme of the day. Build America was working as we were running around during lunch and enjoying lunch with the campers as zombies. One camper Emily was chasing us not the other way around!
We had a free break after lunch and a couple of guys and myself went on a hike and got to see the whole camp from a ledge on top of the mountain. It was a good break but it started to rain. After the hike the campers finished their break and I was assigned to fishing but it started to pour outside.
I had volunteered in the kitchen and helped cook the dinner for that night. Many of the guys had become zombies again during dinner and while I was cleaning up the kitchen the campers had a zombie defence event and I got to see a small bit of the battle against the zombies with water guns. Afterwards we had our circle up goodnight and goodbye. I really loved this camp, there was just something magical about it. I ended up buying a beanie from the camp as a memento from a camp that touched my heart. Tomorrow is a ride to Denver and also a major arrival for us. We also get to meet the Transamerica team which is awesome! I truly miss the Build America team already.
Day 21
Day 21 was hyped up due to rabbit ears pass. This pass leads to the continental divide and starts our climb to Loveland pass which is the highest point you can archive by highway. Today Dustin joined us who works for KRG and is the south teams coach. Bruce was also riding and his son was working with crew for the day. After a wonderful breakfast we were off.
Today was a 105 miles ride and the rabbit ears pass was about 11 miles long with a steady medium grade. The divide was awesome to reach yet I only hit 60 miles until I was racked due to an error in my pace line. I roads with Jesus who was teamed up with Layton. We had a fun time joking and I got to learn more about Layton and what it is like to live in Colorado.
It started to rain but many of the guys pushed it to our shower area at a recreation center. We waited a while for lodging and later headed to a nice restaurant for a lovely dinner, which cost me a trip yo the hospital. There were pine nuts in the salad and I didn't notice until after I ate a quarter of it. I never had a serve reaction to pine nuts but this time was different. After a couple hours in the ER I was fine and sent home. Quite the experience.
After my scare, we headed back to lodging to rest for the next days climb of Loveland pass which his 11,990 feet high. We are also heading to Empire tomorrow.
Day 24
Day 24, Denver and our bug arrival was today. We had crew chief breakfast as we were up very early in the morning. Today was a short ride but a very important one that we needed to hurry. I was upset to leave the camp and I wanted to stay with the campers and Build America, yet there was very little I could do to change that.
I road with Kyle and Reggie today and we rocked it. We had a small climb to lockout mountain which looked over Denver which was beautiful but it had some scary descents with hairpin turns. For the past 3 years someone has gotten seriously hurt going down. Safe to say we took it very slow. We road hard and fast through Denver and actually met a pace line from Transamerica half way through.
We finished at the Denver Broncos stadium for a tour! We waked onto the field and took many photos and I got one with Bruce which was sweet. We then had chipotle for lunch and it was good but I wasn't a huge fan of it. We the hopped on the bikes and road to an arrival that was quite large. We enjoyed ice cream in front of the capital and then road to our hotel.
We had some free time and then we headed to the Rockies stadium to watch a baseball game. I'm not a huge baseball fan but I enjoyed watching the game even though they had lost. Afterwards we waked back to lodging and I had a great conversation with my lovely better half and I went to sleep. Tomorrow is breakfast at KRG!!!
Day 22
Day 22 was to Empire and due to the hospital visit I was racked due to P&P. Bruce and a couple of the KRG family was riding with us today. Breakfast was fantastic as always and the cyclists headed off. I road with Sam as crew needed him to help mark 2 turns in one. Today and tomorrow are going to be tough days due to road blocks and construction.
After the first turn we marked we headed straight to Loveland pass and it was beautiful. At the very peak of some mountains we were able to great cellphone service but it was a beautiful sight. We also met a hiker who has accidentally lock himself out of his car and Jesus gave him his jacket to wear while he waited.
Twenty minutes later we were confused as we saw a couple of silver vans like ours climbing the hill. Upon closer inspection it was the Build America Team! Being up there early waiting for the cyclists allowed me to really speak to the other team and get to know them a whole lot better. I really admire what they do with their construction work and I highly suggest you look them up when you have the chance.
We cheered on the pace lines as they climbed up the finally few feet up the pass and we all took a team photo at the top. After the pace lines finished we arrived at Rocky Mountain Village which was an easter seals camp. We hung out with Build America for a while waiting for our lodging area to become ready. After we moved in we had dinner with the campers and they were so awesome with their songs and chants.
Afterwards there was a small talent show and we brought the business with our dance. They even had a costume room and some guys pulled out some great costume ideas. After watching everyone's skit we had a big circle up to say goodnight to everyone and then we had ours and you never saw anyone so excited to be told wakeup was at 7:15. We also went to McDonalds to get some ice cream and I ended up getting some postcards from the shop next door.
We all went to sleep afterwards and enjoyed a nice quiet evening. Oh wait, half the team is snoring for some reason and its never happened before.
Day 20
Day 20 the awesome city of steam boat. Today was a 6am wakeup and we enjoyed a lovely crew chief breakfast and we got to meet the one and only Bruce Rodgers. He is the father of the Journey of Hope. 27 years ago he cycled across the United States in 40 days to help raise awareness of Push America. Now he also is one of the three creators of KRG capital which is an equity firm that is the capital sponsor of our trip. Without this man and his family, none of this would be possible.
Today's ride was short, so short we were confused as to what to do with our free time as we finished in about 2 hours and a half. Many of us went to get food at a local restaurant. We had an absolute blast and I had a really spicy burger. We went out with Layton who happens to be Bruce's son.
After I showered I went around the town and finally got a haircut. For dinner we had another visit with a different horizons group. We first met Debbie and Bruce and they both had amazing characters. Bruce was playing jams for us to dance to and Debbie loved to hear our stories.
Afterwards Bruce Rodgers bought us all candy and ice cream which was awesome. A couple of the guys went to a shop called F.M & Sons which had advertisements on the highway 100 miles back. After the fun we headed to bed for another ride.
Day 19
Day 19 was to Craig Colorado. We woke up and ate breakfast for a tough day ahead of us. I road with Mike Jones and Micheal Brooks for one of the most annoying rolling hills of all time. I didn't rack myself which was a achievement for me and not to mention it was a super tight day and rack point was not far off the whole day. We rested at a gas stop before cycling together for an arrival at a girls and boys club. We enjoyed eating ice cream and playing with the kids until we had a kids on the block presentation.
For dinner we met with a horizons group which serves those with disabilities as well as their clients. We had some amazing food and had a huge water fight with water balloons and using water bottles as squirt guns. Some guys were even soaked with coolers full of water.
Back at lodging we had our team meeting as the next few days are going to be very demanding as well as rewarding. Tomorrow is going
Day 18
Day 18 to Dinosaur Colorado. Our first day our of ten in Colorado. We woke up an hour later than normal for a double pace line ride out of town to safely navigate out of the town. The ride was a tough one and I road with Reggie. Around 50 miles I really bonked out and eventually came to a screeching halt. Many of the guys had issues today because it was a super brutal day.
We enjoyed a dinner made at our lodging and many of us went to get milkshakes and we passed out. Nothing much here in the town of
Day 17
Day 17, Park City to Duchene Utah! We were back to our 5:30 wakeup and I made a mistake clipping in and I was racked due to a safety control measure.
I road with Jesus and helped support the team during a long and hilly day. After the ride we were told to put on our bathing suit as we were going to the lake. At the lake we were greeted with locals who had snacks and water for us. The lake was freezing and some wonderful guys had volunteered to take us tubing! Benny Reggie and I wanted to do it together but we ran out of time. The water was absolutely freezing so maybe we lucked out.
Afterwards we headed back and enjoyed dinner in the park sponsored by locals in the area. The food was amazing as they made these fried dough cakes with honey butter. Afterwards the team had some well deserved rest and I had a fire going in me to ride.
Day 16
Day 16 our day off in Park City that required biking. So we awoke to suit up for a police escort to whole foods. We road 4 miles down hill for an amazing breakfast. I honestly couldn't remember the last time I was so excited for breakfast. Maybe it was the briskets and gravy.
We headed back to the hotel and changed for a trip to the Utah Olympic Training Park! My van was so excited to be there and we enjoyed the alpine slide. We enjoyed a wonderful lunch provided by Barb at a deli on Main street in Park City. She also gave us a wonderful serving of ice cream. After lunch we had free time until our Friendship Visit.
We went to the national abilities center and road bikes with some clients. Doug and I road hand cycles up a dirt trail and it was scary going down it. I really enjoyed helping teach a young child how to ride a bike as well. We had pizza at the hotel and prepared for tomorrows